The HAMixer

(1 customer review)

$ 96.69

Just like the original but better! Full aluminum powder-coated case and rubber tipped machined aluminum feet. The new HAMixer is a welcome addition to even the most pristine of desk setups.

HAMixer is a hardware application mixer for changing the volume of different windows apps on the fly. No more digging through menus. Easily adjust the volume of your music, voice chat or game to be just how you like it. You can find a full guide, software downloads and FAQ here

The software for this product is opensource and you can find full project details on GitHub. 

Product size: 110x130x50 mm

Shipping Size: 175 × 130 × 55 mm

(Dimensions in additional info tab are shipping size)


Currently only Windows is supported. You can find the latest software release here.

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Using HAMixer Software:

Before starting download and run the HAMixer software open HAM-Windows.exe, make sure it is in the same folder as config.yaml and HAM-Headless.exe. Make sure that you install the CH340 serial drivers, *not all Windows installations include this driver* if the HAMixer is not showing up this is likely why. The Windows 10 variant will work fine on Windows 11. It is a good idea to add a link to the HAMixer software to your startup folder. You may get a unknown publisher warning. This is normal. As a small business and HAMixer being a freely developed project of mine on Github I cannot afford associated software publishing costs . If you’re concerned, the full source code and additional information is openly available on GitHub. My GitHub username is Wilsondotzip. I strive to make the development process for HAMixer and its associated software as transparent as possible.

  1. Set the COM port your HAMixer is connected to on your computer using the drop-down.
  2. Make sure the connection settings are left as default. These are purely for DIY nerds.
  3. Ensure VoiceMeeter is disabled unless you intend to use it.
  4. Using the number selector, choose which knob on your HAMixer you wish to map to.
  5. Ensure that the “Apps” tab (above the “VM” tab) is selected, this allows you to change application mappings. If you want to change VoiceMeeter mappings select the “VM” tab underneath.
  6. In the large textbox, add applications (or VoiceMeeter) mappings. To do this simply type their process name followed by a semi colin (;) do not use spaces between applications. Please note that the process name is not always the same as the programs display name
  7. Now hit “Save All”
A picture of how application mappings could look. In this image Spotify and Firefox are mapped to knob 3

When adding an application, make sure to use the full process name. For examples Spotify.exe or firefox.exe, it is case sensitive!
A growing FAQ can be found here. If you have different question please contact us at

You can find a full guide, software downloads and FAQ here


– USB C Powered and Connected

– Full black aluminum case with machine aluminum feet inserts

– Full windows support (Windows 10 and Windows 11 64-bit versions)

– VoiceMeeter integration (basic, banana and potato)

– Easy to take apart and repair

– HAMixer Software is freely available

– Regular updates and bug fixes

– Uses a LGT8F328P microcontroller

Additional information

Weight 0.370 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 13 × 5.5 cm

1 review for The HAMixer

  1. Charles H

    Quality build and feel when using.
    Useful for me – I just use it for general purposes (discord & firefox)
    Usability is quite easy when following the FAQ

    Note – Does not come with an included USB-C cable for connection, but most USB-C cables work with it.

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